Terry Barton

Terry Barton

Sea meis movet voluptua ne, ea oportere argumentum cum. Has purto repudiandae id, ea conceptam percipitur usu. Sit solet philosophia at, cu legimus rationibus per. Mei ut tale cibo minimum, pri ei dico virtute. Eum ne facete interesset consequuntur, facer prompta vim at, semper omnesque concludaturque qui id. His in regione lucilius deterruisset, ea mutat similique eam, facilis blandit in qui.

Sea meis movet voluptua ne, ea oportere argumentum cum. Has purto repudiandae id, ea conceptam percipitur usu. Sit solet philosophia at, cu legimus rationibus per. Mei ut tale cibo minimum, pri ei dico virtute. Eum ne facete interesset consequuntur, facer prompta vim at, semper omnesque concludaturque qui id. His in regione lucilius deterruisset, ea mutat similique eam, facilis blandit in qui.

The Chauvin’s

We have had the good fortune of being with Alyssa since her very first year. We have watched her develop and hone her skills as a fine arts teacher. Our three boys have benefited from her teachings both practical and theory. Alyssa has always personalized each of her lessons to bring out the best in each of our boys and understands how they all learn differently. She has taught their lessons in full French and even gives them extra theory lessons when they ask her for more! They continue to develop and are excited week after week for their next class with Miss Alyssa.

The Chauvin’s
Dawn and John H.

Our experience at Sonata Piano Studio has been more than we could have dreamed of. Miss Alyssa is such an incredible piano teacher. She is extremely knowledgeable and is so wonderful with the students. Her approach to working with our children has been so patient and kind. They look forward to each and every lesson. I never could have imagined that they would have learned so much and come such a long way in such a short time. We are so fortunate to have found her. Her dedication to each and every student is profound. We are grateful to be a part of the Sonata Piano family, and thankful that Miss Alyssa has helped to bring the gift of music into our children's lives.

Dawn and John H.
Wendy S.

I have been a mature student of the talented Miss Alyssa at Sonata Piano Studio for the past 4½ years and am very impressed with the consistent dedicated attention she provides each student. Within her lovely studio the environment is up beat, no high intensity pressure only reinforcement to learn and achieve better results. Miss Alyssa is an outstanding piano teacher and communicator offering a large selection of music scores at every level. Each lesson is a great experience!

Wendy S.

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